The holistic approach to my health and wellbeing has always been central to my living and during times of natural changes, such as childbirth, menopause, and general aging, this approach always had added an advantage. The consumption of healthy foods such as whole wheat, greens and fruits coupled with cardio exercise and yoga has kept me in good health, however my interest in intolerance to certain foods and allergies was further enhanced when I suffered from some health conditions, despite being careful with my lifestyle.
Modern life has induced numerous activities which are not conductive to human evolution and the natural development of our being. Stress has become part of our daily lives, and this often leads to distress in our body’s systems, and I was no exception. I started suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), migraines, headaches, unusual body discomfort, stress, and anxiety. After several years of continuous discussions with my doctor, I felt the need to undertake a private food intolerance test. This simple test revealed several food intolerances and imbalances within my body which had to be addressed.
This experiences and enhanced knowledge in nutrition, ayurveda and yoga training coupled with additional study in allergy and food intolerance has resulted in the development of an all-inclusive approach to living, which includes healthy eating, regular exercise, daily yoga and addressing food intolerances to enable a healthy and stress-free lifestyle.
I have been practicing yoga for over 25 years and conduct online yoga classes with special emphasis on ancient breathing techniques and knee exercises to clients of all ages. The online classes have benefited numerous individuals internationally. I also coach classes at the local gyms in groups as well as on a one-to-one basis.
Continuous Professional Development is extremely important to ensure that any new developments in this field are incorporated within our treatment plans. Extended learning and improvements helps to form the foundation of my service.
It is my passion to assist people to tackle the root of the cause of the problem rather than suppressing the symptoms with medication and help them get their health and well-being back to normality. After completion of the test, you will leave with health and wellbeing advice along with a full analysis report addressing major concerns related to foods, vitamins, minerals, and general nutritional dietary guidelines.
A one to one consultation with a detailed analysis of your individually tailored needs can also illustrate alternative therapies and foods more conducive to your wellbeing and lifestyle.
Worcester Park Clinic
07852 196918
Website by PMGID